Friday, 23 August 2013

Ron Banerjee & The Canadian Hindu Advocacy

One could say that Ron Banerjee and The Canadian Hindu Advocacy are completely synonymous. After all, The Canadian Hindu Advocacy is essentially comprised of one lone member -- it's founder! -- Ron Banerjee himself. Indeed, actions speak louder than words, so it would be prudent for the reader to watch this YouTube clip (below). In the following video a news reporter from City News asks Ron Banerjee at one of his hate-filled rallies where the rest of his members of the Canadian Hindu Advocacy are. Ron Banerjee asserts him that his members are present at the rally before he sets out to bring a few of them out for the camera. To the reporter's nonchalance -- as it was already expected -- Ron Banerjee returned with absolutely no one:

What Ron Banerjee and The Canadian Hindu Advocacy are well known for are their Islamophobic sentiments towards Canadian Muslims. In fact, Ron Banerjee was recorded on video at a neo-conservative Jewish conference in which he expresses that "Islam -- the Islamic civilization -- has invented, and contributed less to human advancement than a pack of donkeys. That's the truth." The mere diction and his choice of words, mainly derogatory (e.g. pack of donkeys), clearly suggest that the man hates not only the faith of Islam, but it's people, considering that he makes mention of "the Islamic civilization" in particular to drive his point home. To reinforce this idea, one cannot compare the "achievements" of faith, a religion, a system of thought, to animals. It becomes increasingly clear that a distinction is made between faith itself and people who believe it. His statement can be viewed in the YouTube clip below:

One may argue that this does not alone confirm Ron Banerjee's bigotry as his allusion to history may have been to point out that Islam was responsible for the degenerate thinking of human beings (a ludicrous idea). This being beside the point (and will be dealt later); it is important to note that Ron Banerjee has made it explicitly transparent that he believes himself, as a Hindu, to be superior to Muslims. One should ask, why does this question even arise in his mind? What has provoked him to come out and state this so clearly in the light of day? Some have proposed that Ron Banerjee, as a first generation Canadian (his parents being immigrants, this being entirely speculative), has brought over some of his anti-Muslim sentiments from India where clashes between Hindus and Muslims are not unheard of.  Again, the following YouTube video makes it unequivocal,  without a shadow of a doubt, that Ron Banerjee belongs to the same group of Islamophobes that include personalities such as Robert Spencer, Pamela Geller, and Daniel Pipes:

Canadians, including the nation's conservatives, need to think twice before giving this Islamophobe a platform to spur his incendiary vitriol. It's hurtful towards Canadian Muslims, and seeks to rupture the social fabric of Canada. Canada prides itself as a nation where, in the face of civil rights and law, one is not discriminated based on race, ethnicity, religion, or system of thought. Together we can stop hate crimes being committed in the name of conservative notion of secular equity. 

1 comment:

  1. The sad thing is, old Renerdra Banerjee thrives on publicity — ANY publicity — doesn't matter if it's good or bad, he simply orgasms at the sight of his name in print.

    He's well aware that his brown skin makes him pretty much immune to Canada's hate laws. If he were an old white woman, he'd be behind bars before he could say "Allah Akbar."
